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​During 1932 - 1933 millions of Ukrainians perished in a famine orchestrated by the Stalinist regime. Almost 90 percent of these victims died between the winter of 1932 and spring of 1933, one of the greatest genocides in European history.



Facts about the Holodomor, TVP, November 20, 2023

In Stalin's cruel push to enforce collectivism and suppress Ukrainian nationalism, millions of lives were tragically lost in what's been called the Holodomor, the man-made famine which decimated Ukraine between 1932–1933. This brutal campaign orchestrated by the Soviet dictator resulted in the loss of roughly 13% of the Ukrainian population. Presently, initiatives are in motion to garner global support for recognizing this engineered catastrophe as a genocide. To delve deeper into this pivotal issue and why all this matters so much, we were joined by Professor Lubomyr Luciuk from the Royal Military College of Canada.

Interview with Holodomor Descendant, Pavlo Nazarenko. Holodomor90, November 17, 2023

One of the only remaining Holodomor survivors, Pavlo Nazarenko, recently reflected on traumatic childhood experiences in an interview with Natalia Khanenko-Friesen, Director of the Canadian Institute of Ukrainian Studies. Watch as Nazarenko recounts the horrors of the Holodomor, shedding light on this dark chapter of history and preserving the memories of those who suffered.

У Києві відкрили пам'ятну дошку Ґарету Джонсу, який РОЗПОВІВ СВІТУ ПРО ГОЛОДОМОР, 5 канал, October 3, 2023

We Remember - Episode 1 - Pavlo Bandriwsky and Zoryana Bandriwsky, Kontakt Ukrainian TV, September 23, 2023

In this episode, Zoryana Bandriwsky, a student in Chicago, interviews her father Pavlo Bandriwsky about his mother's experience during the Holodomor.

Interview with Prof L Luciuk re the Gareth Jones plaque in Kyiv, National Library of Ukraine, September 10, 2023

The Seeds of Memory: The Holodomor in Literature for Young Readers, Mateusz Swietlicki, Canadian Institute of Ukrainian Studies, March 30, 2023

Book Presentation and Discussion: WINTERKILL by Marsha Forchuk Skrypuch, Centre for Ukrainian Canadian Studies, December 16, 2022

Dr. Daria Mattingly, 2022 Toronto Annual Ukrainian Famine Lecture, Holodomor Research and Education Consortium, November 14, 2022

In her lecture, Dr. Mattingly explores how the Holodomor offers a key to understanding the current war in Ukraine, both from a historical perspective and by revealing parallels in the objectives, methods and outcomes.

Про брехню журналістів, яка вбиває. Дюранті і Пулітцерівська премія. About lies of journalists that kill. Duranty and the Pulitzer Prize. Volodymyr Viatrovych. May 31, 2022

9 травня 2022 року Рада найпрестижнішої у світі журналістики премії Пулітцера оголосила про рішення: «Нагородити журналістів України особливою відзнакою за мужність, стійкість і прагнення до правдивого висвітлення під час безжального вторгнення Володимира Путіна в їхню країну і його пропагандистської війни в Росії. Попри бомбардування, викрадення, окупацію і навіть загибель у своїх лавах, вони наполегливо намагаються дати точну картину жахливої реальності, яка робить честь Україні та журналістам усього світу».
Це рішення стало важливою перемогою українських журналістів, які протистоять потужній російській пропагандистській машині, що багато років ширить світом брехню про Україну.
А ще воно засвідчило, як змінився західний світ.
Адже менше як сто років тому в 1932-му ту саму Пулітцерівську премію отримав Волтер Дюранті, журналіст «Нью Йорк Таймс». Він, навпаки, брав активну участь у пропагандистській війні на боці Росії і допомагав Сталіну спотворити «точну картину жахливої реальності».

Russia's war on Ukraine in the Context of Genocide, Holodomor Research and Education Consortium, April 29, 2022

Preserving the Gareth Jones Papers at the University of Toronto, April 25, 2022

• Dr. Lubomyr Luciuk, Professor of Political Geography at the Royal Military College, a Fellow of the Chair of Ukrainian Studies at the University of Toronto, and a member of the Ukrainian Canadian Civil Liberties Association
• Rob Phillips, Archivist, Welsh Political Archive at the National Library of Wales
• Loryl MacDonald, Associate Chief Librarian for Special Collections, and Director of the Thomas Fisher Rare Book Library
• Ksenya Kiebuzinski (chair), Head of the Petro Jacyk Resource Centre, co-Director of the Petro Jacyk Program for the Study of Ukraine at CERES, University of Toronto

The River that Killed and Saved: Crossing the Dnister into Romania during the Era of Collectivization and Famine in Ukraine. Dr. Eduard Baidaus, Temerty Postdoctoral Fellow in Holodomor Studies at the Canadian Institute of Ukrainian Studies, University of Alberta, April 14, 2022

This presentation focuses on the unsuccessful and successful attempts of Soviet citizens, especially inhabitants of the Moldavian ASSR in the Ukrainian SSR, to cross the border to Romania to flee Stalin's collectivization, persecution, and death by starvation. It also discusses Romania's response to the 1932–33 famine and its approach to refugees.

How Stalin starved Ukraine. Vox, March 25, 2022

Child of Survivors of the Holodomor: 1932-1933 Ukrainian Genocide, H.R.E.C. Education, February 3, 2022

Panel Discussion | The Holodomor Commemoration in Canada: Past, Present and Future, Centre for Ukrainian Canadian Studies, November 27, 2021

Панахида за жертвами Голодоморів, Православна Церква України, November 27, 2021

Lubomyr Luciuk on Holodomor-genocide of the Ukrainian people, Ukrainian Security & Cooperation Centre, November 26, 2021

In Memory of the Victims of the Holodomor 1932-1933 - В пам'яті жертв Голодомору 1932-33 років, UOC of the USA, November 26, 2021

"Not by Starvation Alone: Stalinist Cultural Genocide in Ukraine" Professor Serhy Yekelchyk (University of Victoria) November 26, 2021, Holodomor Research and Education Consortium

Serhy Yekelchyk - 2021 Annual Ukrainian Famine Lecture, Holodomor Research and Education Consortium, November 2021

Rob Phillips in conversation with Lubomyr Luciuk, Llyfrgell Genedlaethol - National Library of Wales, November 23, 2021

Rob Phillips talks to Lubomyr Luciuk about Gareth Jones, digitising the collection and what Gareth would have made of this

Holodomor Awareness, Recognition and Education, Ukrainian Canadian Congress, August 24, 2021

Anne Applebaum lecture - The crimes of Stalin: What we know now and why it matters. House of European History, August 23, 2021

As a part of the commemoration of the “Europe-wide Day of Remembrance for the victims of all totalitarian and authoritarian regimes'', the House of European History welcomes renowned Pulitzer Prize winning historian, journalist and commentator on geo-politics, Anne Applebaum, to present an online lecture entitled “The crimes of Stalin: What we know and why it matters.”

Gareth Vaughan Jones: Eyewitness to History, National Library of Wales, February 22, 2021

Gareth Jones, though quite Orwellianly 'airbrushed' out of history for almost 70 years, should now be remembered for his courageous international exposure of Stalin's deliberately hidden Soviet Ukrainian famine-genocide of 1932-33.

Ukrainian Famine, January 5, 2021

In the film "Holodomor: The Ukrainian Famine of the 1930s.", Dr Daria Mattingly (University of Cambridge) speaks on how the Holodomor fits into the wider understanding of Stalin’s USSR, and how the famine was covered in world media.
‘10 Things Everyone Should Know About Ukraine’ is made by Ukrainian Institute London within the Lysiak-Rudnytsky Ukrainian Studies Programme of the Ukrainian Institute.

Holodomor: The Ukrainian Famine of the 1930s. (10 Things Everyone Should Know About Ukraine), Ukrainian Institute London, January 3, 2021

Remembering the Holodomor, Alberta Premier Jason Kenney, November 28, 2020

Alberta Holodomor Commemoration Ceremony - November 24th, 2020

Uncounted, Since 1931, November 23, 2020

In 2017, the Ukrainian Leadership Academy, together with the communication agency Gres Todorchuk PR, created a street restaurant named “Uncounted since 1932". The project is named after the millions of Ukrainians who died during the Holodomor, a man-made famine created by the Soviet government in 1932-1933. The final number of people killed by the Soviet authorities is still unknown. They remained uncounted.
The project was implemented in Israel, Belgium, and Ukraine. Its goal is to spread knowledge about the Holodomor genocide and the crimes against humanity at the hands of the Soviet government. Through the project we aim to raise awareness in other countries and urge them to recognize the Holodomor as genocide.
To view interviews with Holodomor Survivors, please visit

National Virtual Holodomor Commemoration Ceremony, Ukrainian Canadian Congress, November 22, 2020.

Holodomor Monuments in the World, UCRDC, November 11, 2021

The Holodomor: Mosaics of History • Ukraïner • Museum of the Holodomor, November 10, 2020

In 2020, the Ukraїner team and the National Museum of the Holodomor-Genocide carried out a joint expedition to search for witnesses of the Holodomor. The team recorded more than 100 interviews and discovered dozens previously unknown mass graves.

Memorial Service - Honoring the 5th Anniversary of Blessing of Holodomor Monument in Washington, DC, UOC of the USA, November 10, 2020

The Holodomor in a global context • Ukraïner • Museum of the Holodomor, November 9, 2020

The crimes committed against humanity that became known globally certainly influence moral narratives across borders and geographical barriers. They point to the limits of humanism and human decency. This way guiding principles are established in a form of common history from different perspectives and the integrated experience affects everyone involved. The Holodomor genocide is a lesson that Ukraine and the rest of the world are yet to fully fathom and integrate into the local consciousness.

5th Anniversary of the Holodomor Memorial dedication, Washington, DC, November 7, 2020

How does the Holodomor influence Ukraine today? • Ukraïner • Museum of the Holodomor, November 2, 2020

The Holodomor as a genocide of the Ukrainian nation organised by the Soviet regime had enormous consequences for Ukrainians. However, the scale of the trauma experienced and the changes that it brought can’t be placed in a history textbook and put away into cold storage. The degradation of values and viable demographic changes caused by the genocide, cast grim shadows on the next generations. Nowadays, historians, psychologists, and anthropologists all insist: the consequences of the Holodomor can be still felt in Ukrainian society at various levels. Those consequences manifest themselves primarily in the issues of privacy, security, family customs and attitude towards the concept of private property.

Common Lies about the Holodomor • Ukraïner • Museum of the Holodomor, November 1, 2020

In the second part of the explanatory series about the Holodomor, we decided to share the most famous and shocking fake facts about the 1932–1933 genocide in Ukraine. Most likely, you have heard many times that there was no Holodomor at all, or that there was a crop failure, or that there was a famine throughout the USSR, or that it was committed by Ukrainians themselves. In this article, we will refute the most common lies.

What is the Holodomor? • Ukraïner • Museum of the Holodomor, October 28, 2020

This publication opens a series of articles that explain the Holodomor topic. First of all, we’ll try to find out what the Holodomor was, and what had preceded this genocide of Ukrainians and one of the biggest crimes against humanity in world history. We’ll also explain why the vital information on the Holodomor tragedy is still concealed and in whose best interest it is to keep it secret.

Голодомор у світовому контексті • Ukraïner • Музей Голодомору, October 28, 2020

An entire hamlet saved during the Holodomor • Ukraïner • Museum of the Holodomor, October 24, 2020

When the Holodomor (famine genocide in Ukraine) occured, Tetiana Krotova’s family lived in the hamlet of Shevchenko, situated near Kropyvnytsky city. The head of the local collective farm (“kolhosp”) became a criminal to the Soviet government and secretly gave food to the villagers — the same food that was taken from them and left to rot before. There were no traitors in the village who cooperated with the authorities, so no one died during the Holodomor.

They even took pillows away • Ukraïner • Museum of the Holodomor, October 10, 2020

Nadiia Korolova was born in the village of Ivankivtsi in Podillia region. When the Holodomor broke out, she was 10 years old. Podillia was among the first regions to start rioting against mass compulsory collectivisation (making villagers forcefully join collective farms, “kolhosps”) and the closing of churches in 1929. Outraged by the regime’s actions, Ukrainian villagers chased out the local officials and activists from their villages and took control over the district centres. In 1932 the opposition of the rural population reached threatening levels, and the Soviet regime sent military units to suppress the riots. The clashes lasted for days.

Never take what is not yours • Ukraïner • Museum of the Holodomor, October 4, 2020

Marfa Kovalenko was six when the Holodomor began. All those terrifying events of the Ukrainian genocide were engraved in her memory, despite her very young age. The family’s only cow was confiscated; they were promised to get a cow back sometime later, but her father made it clear: he would not take any other cow besides his own, not an animal seized from some other family because of him. Thanks to the mutual support in the village, Marfa’s family managed to survive.

They endured on potato peels from Belarus • Ukraïner • Museum of the Holodomor, September 26, 2020

When the Holodomor (famine genocide in Ukraine) broke out in the village of Kobylianka, Fedir Zadiereiev’s parents had to travel on foot 100 kilometres to Belarus to bring potato peels from their relatives. Fedir’s grandmother sneaked potatoes in her boots, and Fedir cooked borshch from nettle and plantain leaves for his younger siblings. Thereby they managed to survive. Fedir recalls that prior to collectivisation, people in the village could lend money to each other for as long as half a year, though during the Holodomor he had to steal from his neighbours to survive.

She survived the Holodomor and saved a boy • Ukraïner • Museum of the Holodomor, September 19, 2020

When the Holodomor (famine genocide in Ukraine) started, Mariia Hurbich was twelve. Not only did she survive the genocide of the Ukrainian nation together with her family, but she also helped a neighbour boy survive. They met by chance years later. And although what had been happening all over Ukraine in 1932–1933 resembles the time when some regions of the Donbas were captured in 2014 (the Russian occupation in the East of Ukraine — ed.) in that the poorest volunteered or were forced to become “activists” and had to take the last piece of bread from their neighbours, still people such as Mariia were secretly helping each other survive.

What do we know about the Holodomor? • Ukraïner • Museum of the Holodomor, September 8, 2020

Over the past few months, the Ukraїner team, together with the National Museum of the Holodomor-Genocide, has been exploring various regions of Ukraine in search of witnesses to the genocide of Ukrainian people. There are only a few of them left. In 1932 to 1933, they were just six to 12 years old, but the flashbacks of those times have been engraved in their memories for a lifetime. Such events are hard to forget. During the totalitarian Soviet period, most Holodomor survivors were forced to remain silent about their experiences. We decided to collect their testimonies from all over Ukraine to preserve them and share them with you. During the next two months, we will tell in detail about the crimes of 1932 to 1933 that took the lives of millions of Ukrainians, and we will present to you those who managed to survive and helped others to stay alive.

Mr. Jones: Unmasking the cult of Stalin, Atlantic Council, June 22, 2020

In 1933, Welsh journalist Gareth Jones traveled to the Soviet Union to investigate rumors of events in Ukraine. What he uncovered was an immense man-made famine and one of the greatest crimes of the twentieth century—the Holodomor. Despite millions of deaths, Kremlin propagandists and other Soviet-friendly Western journalists downplayed and denied his reporting. Mr. Jones, a new movie directed by Agnieszka Holland, explores the incredible story of Jones’ struggle to expose the horrors occurring under Joseph Stalin at a time when Western reports were laudatory. The Holodomor stands out as one of the greatest tragedies of the Soviet regime, with Ukraine still fighting for its recognition and understanding of this dark chapter.

Agnieszka Holland, the director of Mr. Jones, and Andrea Chalupa, the writer of Mr. Jones, join Anne Applebaum, Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist, historian and author of Red Famine: Stalin’s war on Ukraine to discuss how this movie, and others like it, can serve as a vehicle for exploring and acknowledging histories that have long been downplayed, and the challenges faced by those working to shed light on inconvenient truths.

For further information, please visit:

Cambridge and Gareth Jones: 'Sharing His Story to the World.' Cambridge Ukrainian Studies. January 16, 2020

In 2009, Cambridge Ukrainian Studies hosted an exhibition of the 1933 diaries of Gareth Jones, a Cambridge graduate of the MMLL Faculty who exposed the truth about the Holodomor, Stalin's murderous terror-famine in Soviet Ukraine. Jones is the subject of the 2020 film 'Mr Jones' (directed by Agnieszka Holland).

The exhibition of the diaries at Trinity College's Wren Library garnered widespread international media attention and reintroduced Jones to the world. This video is a compilation of selected media interviews about Jones with Dr Rory Finnin, Founding Director of Cambridge Ukrainian Studies. 'Gareth Jones was a remarkable figure,' Finnin said in 2009. 'We are hoping to raise his profile and share his story with the world.'

In one of the segments, Jones's nephew and our great friend, Nigel Colley, reads selections from the diaries in an excerpt from Serhii Bukovsky's documentary 'The Living', which headlined our Second Annual Cambridge Festival of Ukrainian Film.

Чериба, Ніна, свідок 1932-1933 Голоду-Ґеноциду в Совєтській Україні, January 13, 2020, Yurij Luhovy

Чериба, Ніна, свідок 1932-1933 Голоду-Ґеноциду в Совєтській Україні, знята в Монтреалі 27 березня 1983, з нагоди 50-ої річниці.

Alberta Premier Jason Kenney, Calgary, Alberta Holodomor Commemoration, November 23, 2019

Alberta Premier Jason Kenney speaking at the Holodomor Commemoration on November 23, 2019 in Calgary, Alberta. The event was organized by the Ukrainian Canadian Congress, Calgary Branch.

Lecture by American historian. Timothy Snyder. on the Holodomor (“murder by starvation”) in Ukraine. November 12, 2019

Lecture by Timothy Snyder, an American historian, professor of Yale University, delivered in Vienna at a solemn ceremony in Vienna on the occasion of the opening of a plaque commemorating His Eminence Card. Theodor Innizer and his distinguished role in helping out the victims of the Holodomor (“murder by starvation”) in 1932-1933.

Holodomor: How Millions Of Ukrainians Died of Starvation During Stalin-Era Mass Famine, Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty, November 7, 2019

Each year, on the fourth Saturday of November, Ukraine remembers the millions who died during the Holodomor, the Stalin-era famine that devastated the population in 1932-1933. Many countries consider it to have been genocide.

Conference "Documenting the Famine of 1932-1933 in Ukraine: Archival Collections on the Holodomor outside the Former Soviet Union" Holodomor Research and Education Consortium (HREC) at the Canadian Institute of Ukrainian Studies, University of Alberta, November 1-2, 2019

- Representations of the Famine of 1932-33 in the archival collections of émigré minority groups.
- The Famine of 1932-33 as reported by diplomats and representatives of foreign governments, Part I & Part II.
- Émigré Ukrainian community archives and collections.
- Research in Progress.
- Myroslav Shkrandrij, Closing Remarks.

The Holodomor—A Look Back at Stalin’s 1932-33 Genocide in Ukraine. Lecture by Prof. Timothy Snyder, October 20, 2019

Featured Lecture by Professor Timothy D. Snyder on the Holodomor exhibit at the Holocaust Museum & Cohen Education Center in Naples, Florida on October 20, 2019.

Mr Jones, UK Trailer, 2020 staring James Norton and Vanessa Kirby, September 27, 2019

MR. JONES brings to the screen the extraordinary and powerful story of the real-life Welsh journalist who uncovered Stalin’s genocidal famine in Ukraine, which killed almost 10 million. 1933. Gareth Jones (James Norton, Happy Valley, McMafia) is an ambitious Welsh journalist who gained fame after his report on being the first foreign journalist to fly with Hitler. On leaving a government role, Jones decides to travel to Moscow in an attempt to get an interview with Stalin himself. Hearing murmurs of government-induced famine, Jones travels clandestinely to Ukraine, where he witnesses the atrocities of man-made starvation. Deported back to London, Jones publishes an article revealing the horrors he witnessed but is accused of being a liar by those who have an interest in silencing him. As the death count mounts, Jones has to fight for the truth…

The Ukrainian Famine: What We Know Now—And Why It Matters, Ann Arbor, September 20, 2019

Anne Applebaum, Pulitzer Prize-winning author and Washington Post foreign policy columnist. CREES 60th Anniversary Signature Lecture.
Sponsors: Center for Russian, East European, & Eurasian Studies; Copernicus Center for Polish Studies. Sep 20, 2019

Holodomor: The Real Number of Its Victims and Evidence of Its Man-Made Nature, January 30, 2019, Ukrainian Research Institute Harvard University

A video produced by Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty (RFE/RL).
Holodomor: The Real Number of Its Victims and Evidence of Its Man-Made Nature (video in Ukrainian with English subtitles).
© 2019 Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty (RFE/RL).
Вбиті Голодомором: реальна кількість жертв та докази штучності . © Радіо Свобода, 2019

Reclaiming Ukrainian Tragedy, The Agenda, TVO Today, April 17, 2018

Anne Applebaum, Pulitzer Prize-winning historian and Washington Post columnist, is this year's winner of the Gelber Prize for her most recent book "Red Famine: Stalin's War on Ukraine" - a study of the conditions that led to gruesome deaths of about 4 million Ukrainians in the early 1930s.

Holodomor Survivors, December 14, 2018

This short film contains extracts of four Holodomor survivors recounting their life in Ukraine in the early 1930s when millions of Ukrainians were systematically starved to death by Joseph Stalin's Soviet regime. The full text of their recollections are published in "Grains of truth: A collection of UK materials on the Holodomor in Ukraine 1932-33".

How Ukraine's Holodomor Famine Was Secretly Photographed, Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty, November 22, 2018,

How an Austrian engineer secretly photographed Ukraine's Holodomor famine.

Originally published at -

Запалімо свічу пам’яті і охороняймо кордони! November 22, 2018

Ми пам’ятаємо Голодомор 1932-1933 років. Ми — сильні. Відео зняте Young&Hungry Production за підтримки Міністерства інформаційної політики України, за участі Українського інституту національної пам'яті, Генерального штабу ЗСУ і Центру Досліджень Визвольного Руху. Запали свічку пам'яті! #Holodomor85 #Голодомор85

Голодний дух, November 21, 2018

Фільм несе інформативний та соціальний характер, розкриває тему страшних часів Голодомору в Україні в 30-х роках XX сторіччя.

Hunger for Truth: The Rhea Clyman Story, movie trailer, January 12, 2018

In an age when disinformation muddles the truth, a new voice cuts through the historical haze. She is Rhea Clyman, a young Canadian reporter who traversed the starving Soviet heartland where Stalin's man made famine was just beginning. Clyman's newly discovered newspaper articles from 1932-33 show her remarkable resourcefulness and courage. After she was banashed from the USSR for writing about the Holodomor and the Gulag, this brave woman went to cover Hitler's early lethal years in power.

Holodomor Reconsidered by Anne Applebaum. Part 1: Lecture. Ukrainian Research Institute Harvard University, October 23, 2017

Holodomor Reconsidered by Anne Applebaum. Part 2: Q&A, Ukrainian Research Institute Harvard University. October 23, 2017

Red Famine: Stalin's War on Ukraine" by Anne Applebaum, Ukrainian Institute London, October 11, 2017

Anne Applebaum talking to Edward Lucas about her new book, "Red Famine: Stalin's War on Ukraine" at the event organised by the EBRD and the Ukrainian Institute London at EBRD headquarters in London 28 September, 2017.

Genocide Revealed Documentary, Trailer, Directed by Yurij Luhovy, March 12, 2017 Available in English, French, Ukrainian (75 minute full version)
And Educational Version - Film Length: 25 min. & 52. min. on one DVD. These versions are made to fit the classroom.
A powerful documentary, Genocide Revealed, exposes Moscow’s policy of genocide against the Ukrainian nation and focuses on the 1932-33 man-made famine (Holodomor) in Soviet Ukraine. It is based on testimonies of survivors, declassified Soviet documents, commentaries by historians and rare historical footage. Millions perished. It reveals one of the greatest human tragedies of the 20th century.

Holodomor: Stalin's Secret Genocide, January 15, 2017

In Memory of Konstantyn Bokan, July 3, 2015

Video depicts the Ukrainian Holodomor/Genocide of 1932-1933 through the eyes and words of one young victim.

UCRDC: Children of Holodomor Survivors - Tamara Koszarny (excerpt, 2015)

The Ukrainian Canadian Research and Documentation Center (UCRDC) announced the launch of its Children of Holodomor Survivors Oral History Project, funded by the Temerty Family Foundation. Interviews with children of the survivors of the Ukrainian Holodomor, the genocidal famine of 1932-1933, commence this month.

Testimonies from the U.S. Famine Commission. November 10, 2014

Holodomor Research and Education Consortium (HREC) cooperated with the Ukrainian Canadian Research and Documentation Centre (UCRDC) to digitize and preserve valuable oral testimonies collected by the U.S. Commission on the Ukraine Famine, which was established in 1986 under the direction of Dr. James Mace. Dr. Mace turned to UCRDC for assistance in gathering Famine testimonies in Canada. The entire set of 207 original recordings of oral histories was presented to the Verkhovna Rada (parliament) in Ukraine but subsequently has disappeared. The only surviving copies of the tapes are held in the archives of UCRDC. HREC funded the digitization of these tapes.

The Origins of Mass Killing: the bloodlands hypothesis. Professor Timothy Snyder, January 21, 2014

At no other time in European history were so many human beings deliberately killed as a matter of policy as in Eastern Europe between 1933 and 1945. In the lands between Berlin and Moscow, the Soviets killed more than four million by starvation and bullets, the Germans more than twice that number by starvation, bullets, and gas. Most deliberate Soviet killing, and almost all deliberate Nazi killing, took place in this zone. If we can understand the totality of the catastrophe, we will better understand the two regimes, and we may be better prepared to understand its component parts, the most significant of which was the Holocaust of European Jews.

Natalia's Story

Maria's Story.

Maria Konets - Марія Конець. Born January 24, 1925, Katanivka village, Cherkasy oblast. Describes the death of her mother and father from starvation.

Share the Story. Commemorating the 80th anniversary of the Holodomor

The Ukrainian Famine-Genocide 1932-33 - the Holodomor - was a deliberate act to eliminate a nation. On these pages, Holodomor survivors tell their stories. They share their experiences during that horrific time in history with the hope of bringing us closer to understanding this often forgotten atrocity. They share their experiences with the hope that they are contributing to a better world. Join us in sharing the story of the Holodomor.

Harvest of Despair - The 1933 Ukrainian Holodomor Famine Genocide (Documentary). 1985

A documentary about the man made famine in Ukraine where on Stalin's order millions of people were starved to death in 1932-33.

Документальний фільм “Жнива розпачу” про Голодомор в Україні у 1932 -1933 роках, 1985

Українсько-Канадський Дослідчо-Документаційний Центр представляє документальний фільм “Жнива розпачу".

"La Moisson du Désespoir", La Famine en Ukraine, 1932-33. 1985

Ce film lauréat documente les conséquences tragiques de l'Holodomor en Ukraîne.
Pendant que Staline vendait des millions de tonnes de blé aux marchés europée'ns, des millions de victimes innocentes mouraient de famine organisée sous sa commande criminelle.

Cosecha de la Desesperanza 1932-1933, La Hambruna (Holodomor) en Ucrania. 1985

Esta película, úníca en su género, documenta las trágicas consequencias del olvidado holocausto en

"Reflections on Stalin's regime and THE HOLODOMOR", Malcom Muggeridge, May 26, 1982

Malcolm Muggeridge, British journalist and author, travelled to Moscow in 1932-1933 where he was a correspondent for The Manchester Guardian. Muggeridge investigated reports of the Great Famine (HOLODOMOR) in Ukraine, travelling there without obtaining the permission of the Soviet authorities. His reports were sent back to The Manchester Guardian in British diplomatic bags, thus evading Soviet censorship. The Ukrainian Canadian Research and Documentation Centre interviewed Malcolm Muggeridge in 1982 for its 1984 award-winning documentary film “Harvest of Despair”.

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