During 1932 - 1933 millions of Ukrainians perished in a famine orchestrated by the Stalinist regime. Almost 90 percent of these victims died between the winter of 1932 and spring of 1933, one of the greatest genocides in European history.
Gareth Vaughn Jones Archives, Library of Congress
Gareth Vaughan Jones (1905–35) was a famous researcher, journalist and author. During his career he travelled the world, reporting on the Holodomor in Ukraine and Nazisim in Germany. The collection includes the famous ‘Hitler diary’ kept by Jones during his visit to Germany in the spring of 1933 and describes conditions and various events in Nazi Germany shortly after the Fuehrer had come to power there and presents uncannily perceptive pen-portraits of Hitler himself and Goebbels. A further group of six pocket diaries describe in some detail Jones’s visits to the Soviet Union between 1931 and 1933.
New Plaque Honors Wales' Gareth Jones, Kyiv Post. November 6, 2022
The great nephew of Gareth Jones, the Welsh investigative journalist, who was one of the first to report on the 1932-33 man-made, artificial famine in Ukraine, known as the Holodomor, has said he was honored to see a plaque unveiled in his name.
The Great Hunger: Ukraine, Ideas with Nahlah Ayed, CBC Radio, February 21, 2022
The fear in Ukraine of a war with Russia has its roots in what happened in the 1930’s. IDEAS producer Philip Coulter visited Ukraine to look at the effects of the Holodomor, the extermination by famine of 90 years ago. *This documentary originally aired in 2009.
Ukraine's Great Famine memories fuel resentment of Kremlin, BBC February 12, 2022
Resentment of Moscow in Ukraine has deep historical roots. In the Great Famine of the 1930s, as many as four million Ukrainians died during the forced collectivisation of farms by Soviet dictator Joseph Stalin. The BBC's Fergal Keane has been to the eastern city of Kharkiv, close to the Russian border, and met some of the last survivors of the famine.
Letters from Donbass in the 1930s: What Did a Foreign Engineer See in Eastern Ukraine during the Holodomor? Radio Svoboda, August 28, 2021
A unique collection of letters from Great Britain was donated to the National Museum of the Holodomor Genocide in Kyiv. These are letters from engineer Jerry Berman, which he sent from Donbass to his friend and family. In the 1930s, Berman worked in Stanytsia Luhanska. The letter was found by the granddaughter of Berman's friend, and after reading it, she decided to present it to Ukraine as evidence of famine, dekulakization, repression, and methods of Stalinist industrialization. The Holodomor Museum provided Radio Liberty with an opportunity to read the letters and helped co-prepare a publication of Berman's impressive stories.
The Causes of Ukrainian Famine Mortality, 1932-33, GMU Working Paper in Economics No. 21-23, August 2, 2021
We construct a large dataset to understand the causes of high Ukrainian mortality during the Great Soviet famine (1932-33). We document that holding per capita grain production, urbanization, and other factors constant, famine mortality rate was increasing in pre-famine ethnic Ukrainian population share across regions, even outside of Ukraine. Government grain procurement as a share of production is also increasing in pre-famine ethnic Ukrainian population share. These and other results imply that Ukrainian bias in Soviet policy was the main contributor to high Ukrainian famine mortality, and rule out alternative explanations such as bad weather or other exogenous factors.
Mendel Osherowitch's Account of Soviet Ukraine in 1932, Yiddish Book Center, July 2, 2020
Lubomyr Luciuk spoke with The Shmooze about the recent release of his edited volume How People Live in Soviet Russia: Impressions from a Journey. Newly translated from the Yiddish, the book chronicles journalist Mendel Osherowitch's account of his visit to Soviet Ukraine in 1932 at a time when millions of Ukrainians were dying of starvation in what historians have come to see as a direct result of Soviet policy. The book has been described as "one of the most penetrating and moving accounts of daily life in Ukraine during the famine."
The Holodomor and ‘Mr. Jones’ by Maya Sobchuk, Kyiv Post, June 27, 2020
The film “Mr. Jones” follows Welsh journalist Gareth Jones, who first publicized under his own name the Holodomor, an artificial famine ordered by Soviet dictator Josef Stalin and carried out in Ukraine in 1932-1933. At least 3.9 million Ukrainians starved to death during this genocide.
In Soviet Russia: Impressions From a Journey, Mendel Osherowitch, February 27, 2020
To be released soon by The Kashtan Press - an eye-witness account of the Holodomor in Soviet Ukraine, as recorded by Mendel Osherowitch, a Yiddish writer for the Jewish Daily Forward (Forverts) - based on his February/March 1932 travels in Soviet Ukraine.
In Canada, unique recordings of the first Symposium on the Holodomor have been rescued, January 23, 2020, Radio Svoboda
The recordings can be viewed on the following link https://www.youtube.com/user/splicersplicer1/videos?view
У Канаді врятовані унікальні записи першого симпозіуму про Голодомор, 23 січня 2020, Радіо Свобода
Записи можна переглянути за наступним посиланням https://www.youtube.com/user/splicersplicer1/videos?view
Teacher materials for the teaching the Ukrainian Famine Genocide of 1932-33, Welcome Letter 2019, Ukrainian American Holodomor Genocide Committee of Michigan
Welcome to the teacher materials for teaching the Ukrainian Famine Genocide of 1932-1933. These lessons have been co-authored by members of the Ukrainian American Holodomor Genocide Committee of Michigan
Holodomor - Genocide in Ukraine, Learning Materials for Teachers and Students,2019, Ukrainian American Holodomor Genocide Committee of Michigan
This course discusses the Ukrainian Famine Genocide of 1932-33 perpetrated by Josef Stalin. Recently released Soviet archives reveal the intentional removal of all food in areas of Ukraine by Russian authorities to sell on the international market in order to raise money for industrialization.
How Joseph Stalin Starved Millions in the Ukrainian Famine, Apr 16, 2019, The History Chanel
At the height of the 1932-33 Ukrainian famine under Joseph Stalin, starving people roamed the countryside, desperate for something, anything to eat. In the village of Stavyshche, a young peasant boy watched as the wanderers dug into empty gardens with their bare hands. Many were so emaciated, he recalled, that their bodies began to swell and stink from the extreme lack of nutrients.
Interactive Map Showing Location of Mass Graves of Holodomor Victims, Memorial to Holdomor Victims
A project “The Places of Mass Burials of Holodomor-Genocide Victims“ is one of the projects of National Museum “Holodomor Victims Memorial“.
The aim of the project is to create an interactive map “The Places of Mass Burials of Holodomor-Genocide Victims“ on the basis of archive materials and testimonies of 1932–1933 Holodomor eyewitnesses. It will help to save the historical memory of Holodomor, which is the genocide of Ukrainian nation.
The project comprises entering of the places of the mass burials of Holodomor victims to the nationl system of commemoration through their revealing, ordering and fixation.
The database is filled due to the scientific research by looking for the the places of mass burials of genocide victims through the work in archives and communication with local citizens, the eyewitnesses of Holodomor of 1932–1933.
The project is planned to be realized by several stages. On the first stage, National Museum „Holodomor Victims Memorial“ with the help of Ukrainian Cultural Foundation created the web-site, where one can find the visualized information about the places of mass graves with short reference on each of them.
The second stage covers the supplementing of the references on the mass burials, constant filling the database by the new information, and improvement of the geoportal based on the scientific researches on the mass burials’ places, archive documents, the testimonies of 1932–1933 Holodomor eyewitnesses, audio and video materials.
85 Голодомор - Сай т ресурсу української мови; 85 Holodomor - A Ukrainian language resource website by the Ukrainian Institute of National Remembrance.
The home page is in Ukrainian only. The brochure and posters are also available in English, French, Spanish, and German. The video clips appear to be in Ukrainian only at this time.
These materials documenting the genocide are very professional in appearance, well researched, and presented with fresh and powerful information. In spite of all the evidence of unbelievable cruelty and suffering - these resources offer the possibility to be inspired : whether by the fierce uprisings of the rural population against brutal requisitions, confiscation and oppression; by the bold visions of the intellectuals for Ukraine; or by the efforts of those who could to help their fellow man in such desperate times. The many illustrations with entries from diaries, arrest records, and a variety of other primary resources, along with graphs, maps, posters and authentic photographs with captions enrich the material.
Marking the 85th Anniversary of the Ukrainian Holodomor, U.S. Department of State. November 23, 2018
This month we join Ukrainians around the world in marking the 85th anniversary of the Holodomor, when millions of innocent Ukrainians were deliberately starved to death by the regime of Josef Stalin. The Soviet Union’s barbaric seizure of Ukrainian land and crops was undertaken with the deliberate political goal of subjugating the Ukrainian people and nation. This catastrophic man-made famine was one of the most atrocious acts of the twentieth century and a brutal reminder of the crimes of communism.
Today, Ukrainians are once again dying as a result of Russia attempts to destroy the identity and Western aspirations of the people of Ukraine. Russia’s ongoing aggression in eastern Ukraine has resulted in more than 10,000 deaths. However, Russia will not vanquish the resilient Ukrainian spirit, nor dampen Ukrainians’ desire for a better future.
As we remember the Holodomor’s millions of innocent victims, we reaffirm our unwavering support for Ukraine’s national sovereignty and territorial integrity, as well as the Ukrainian people’s right to chart their own course.
Share the Story: Commemorating the 80th anniversary of the Holodomor, Interviews with Holodomor Survivors
The Ukrainian Famine-Genocide 1932-33 - the Holodomor - was a deliberate act to eliminate a nation. On these pages, Holodomor survivors tell their stories. They share their experiences during that horrific time in history with the hope of bringing us closer to understanding this often forgotten atrocity. They share their experiences with the hope that they are contributing to a better world. Join us in sharing the story of the Holodomor.