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UCCLF hallows the sacrifices and service of the thousands of Ukrainian Canadian men and women who enlisted in the armed forces of our country.


The Protection of the Theotokos Cathedral Icon Project, Ukrainian Catholic Eparchy of Saskatoon, November 6, 2023

Heroes of Their Day Interview with Ron Sorobey, Ukrainian Profile, Rogers TV Ottawa, November 2023

VE Day Commemoration Interactive, Forum TV, June 5, 2023

"Heroes of Their Day" Edmonton, Alberta, Mar. 15, 2023 - «Герої свого часу» в м. Едмонтон, Канада. Alberta Kontakt TV

Українсько-канадська фундація громадянських свобод (UCCLF) організувала 15 березня 2023 року пам’ятний захід під назвою «Герої свого часу» в м. Едмонтоні, пров. Альберта, щоби вшанувати тисячі українських канадців, які служили Канаді під час Другої світової війни.

The Ukrainian Canadian Civil Liberties Foundation (UCCLF) hosted a commemorative event titled "Heroes of Their Day" in Edmonton, Alberta on March 15, 2023 honouring the thousands of Ukrainian Canadians who served Canada during the Second World War.

Speakers included Lt-Gen (Ret’d) Paul Wynnyk and UCCLF’s Andriy Harasymiw & Borys Sydoruk. Taking place at the Royal Canadian Legion (Norwood Branch), Rev. Fr. Don Bodnar of the Ukrainian Catholic Church and Rev. Fr. Cornell Zubritsky of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of Canada conducted a Panaкhyda, praying for the Ukrainian Canadians who served in WWII as well as for the Ukrainians fighting in Russia’s war in Ukraine.

The evening’s event was part of UCCLF’s multiphase Heroes of Their Day project. The project’s second phase commemorated veterans in a more unique and evocative way, taking the form of an icon of the Mother of God watching over servicemen and servicewomen. . The icon’s Покрова image is especially appropriate since The Protection of Our Most Holy Lady, the Theotokos, has historically been venerated by those praying for the safety of those serving in the defence of country

A screening of director John Paskevich’s film "Canadian War Story" followed. Combining archival photographs and film with firsthand oral accounts, it paid dramatic tribute to the Ukrainian Canadian military personnel who contributed to the Allies’ victory. Ukrainian Canadians, the film noted, enlisted in great numbers to fight for Canada – their enlistment percentage the highest of any ethnic group outside British Canadians.

Remembrance Day Divine Liturgy with Metropolitan Lawrence Huculak, Sts Volodymyr & Olha Ukrainian Catholic Cathedral, Winnipeg, Manitoba, November 11, 2022

Heroes of Their Day Pokrova Icon presentation starts at 1h 44 min

'A special tribute': Winnipeg's Ukrainian community marks Remembrance Day amid ongoing Russian invasion, CTV News, Winnipeg, November 11, 2022

Two Minutes' Silence and Prayers, Victory Day in Europe, St. James's Church, Sussex Gardens, London, May 8, 2020

Solemn Prayers of Remembrance, Victory Day in Europe, St. Jame's Church, Sussex Gardens, London, May 8, 2020

Ukrainian Canadians celebrate Victory in Europe Day, Interview with Lubomyr Luciuk, Global News, Kingston, Ontario, May 7, 2020

Political Science professor at Royal Military College, Lubomyr Luciuk, explains the history of Victory in Europe Day. He also tells us how they are planning on celebrating the day during COVID-19.

​Please visit

CBC Radio, As It Happens: Friday Edition, interview with Professor Lubomyr Luciuk, May 8, 2020

Royal Military College historian Lubomyr Luciuk marks VE day by honouring the Canadian veteran who helped tens of thousands of Ukrainian refugees flee oppression and whose motto was 'just do something.'

Listen at 9:29 minutes

Dr Lubomyr Luciuk on the 'Heroes of their Day' project, February 22, 2018, Association of Ukrainians in Great Britain

На Полях Фландрії - У пам'ять про загиблих вояків. Читає Оля Дейнеко

Червоний мак став всесвітньо признаним символом пам'яті про загиблих вояків. Вірш "На Полях Фландрії" (In Flanders Fields) був написаний під час Першої Світової Війни канадським лікарем, підполковником Джоном Мак-Креєм (John McCrae, 1915).

На полях Фландрії зацвів
Рядками мак поміж хрестів,
Позначив нас; На небесах
Співають жайвори весь час
За зниклими на цій землі.

Ми вже вмерці.
Днями, коли Кохали з ночі до зорі,
Теперь лежатимо в полях
У Фландрії.

Боротьби факел, як вигук,
Прийми з нездатних наших рук;
Тримай увись, щоб не загас.
Навіть зневірився б ти в нас,
Квітнути макам на полях
У Фландрії.

Переклад В. Дейнеко, 7 Травня 2016

In Flanders fields the poppies blow
Between the crosses, row on row,
That mark our place; and in the sky
The larks, still bravely singing, fly
Scarce heard amid the guns below.​

We are the Dead. Short days ago
We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow,
Loved and were loved, and now we lie
In Flanders fields.

Take up our quarrel with the foe:
To you from failing hands we throw
The torch; be yours to hold it high.
If ye break faith with us who die
We shall not sleep, though poppies grow
In Flanders fields

​John McCrae, 1915

Three Nations – One Freedom, Ukraine Crisis Media Centre, May 19, 2017

Wally Bunka – a descendant of Ukrainian immigrants – is a WWII veteran of the Royal Winnipeg Rifles of Canadian Armed Forces who fought against the Nazis in France, Belgium and the Netherlands in 1944-1945. Together with thousands of other soldiers he landed in Normandy on June 6, 1944. He was wounded twice in battles and was decorated with five Canadian and one Dutch awards for his meritorious service during WWII.
In May, 2017, Wally Bunka arrived in the Netherlands for the first time since 1945 to visit three Canadian military cemeteries, the burial places of his brothers-in-arms, including 145 graves of Canadian soldiers of Ukrainian origin, who sacrificed their lives for the freedom of the Netherlands and entire Europe.
This video was created through the joint effort of representatives from Canada, the Netherlands and Ukraine who launched the "Three nations – one freedom" campaign which is to honor Canadian soldiers of Ukrainian origin who died liberating the Netherlands from German occupation during World War II.
Learn more at:

40,000+ Ukrainians served in the Canadian military in WW2

Remarks by Capt. Andre Sochaniwsky CD, President Ukrainian War Veterans Association of Canada, Remembrance Day Ceremony, Ukrainian World Congress at 50 and Beyond: The Roadmap, Toronto, Canada, 11 November 2017.

- 0:40 Battle of Passchendaele (Third Battle of Ypres) (Битва біля Пашендейле)

- 0:55 Battle of Vimy Ridge

- 1:05 Canadian National Vimy Memorial, France

- 1:42 Thousands of Ukrainians fought for Canada in WW1. Many died, but the Canadian government, Canadian military does not know the specific number

- 1:50 Filip Konowal (Пилип Коновал)

- 2:20 Ukrainian Sich Riflemen (Українські січові стрільці)

- 2:55 Dieppe Raid (Битва за Дьєпп) - one of the worst catastrophes in Canadian military history; approximately eighty (80) Ukrainian Canadians were killed in the fighting at Dieppe

- 3:32 Over 40,000 Ukrainian Canadians served in the Canadian military during World War Two (WW2)

Ukrainian World Congress

General Joseph Romanow, 1989 UCRDC Interview

Born in 1921, Saskatoon, Sask.
Served in the Royal Canadian Air Force
Died in 2011

Date of Interview: 1989
Interviewer: Oksana Zakydalsky
Length of Interview: 74 min.
Full interview can be accessed at the UCRDC.

Please contact us at:

Dr. Peter Smylski , 1989 UCRDC Interview

Born in 1915, Dauphin, Man.
Served in the Dental Corps
Died in 2002

Date of Interview: 1989
Interviewer: Oksana Zakydalsky &
Jurij Darewych
Length of Interview: 101 min.

Full interview can be accessed at the UCRDC.

Please contact us at:

Anne Chraplywa-Smith , 1990 UCRDC Interview

Born in 1920, Ladywood, MB
Served in the Canadian Women’s Army Corps
Died in 2005

Date of Interview: 1990
Interviewer: Kwitoslawa Kushnir
Length of Interview: 50 min.

Full interview can be accessed at the UCRDC.

Please contact us at:

Dr. Michael Lucyk , 1989 UCRDC Interview

Born in 1916, Calgary, Alta.
Served in the Dental Corps
Died in ....

Date of Interview: 1989
Interviewer: Oksana Zakydalsky
Length of Interview: 31 min.

Full interview can be accessed at the UCRDC.

Please contact us at:

William Kereliuk , 1989 UCRDC Interview

Born in 1917, Insinger, Sask.
Served in Royal Canadian Air Force
Died in 2008

Date of Interview: 1989
Interviewer: Jurij Darewych
Length of Interview: 61 min.

Full interview can be accessed at the UCRDC.

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